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Date | Speaker | Sermon Title | Passage | Duration | Right-Click > Save As |
2024-02-25 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | A Higher Love | Luke 6:27-36 | 47:44 | Link |
2023-02-18 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | The Means by Which We Know God: His Word | Belgic Confession 2; Psalm 19 | 25:45 | Link |
2024-02-18 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | A Higher Love | Luke 6:27-36 | 56:37 | Link |
2023-02-11 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | The Means by Which We Know God: His World | Belgic Confession 2; Psalm 19 | 28:18 | Link |
2024-02-11 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | The Cost of the Kingdom | Luke 6:20-26 | 59:35 | Link |
2023-02-04 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | The Only God | Belgic Confession 1; Deuteronomy 6:1-9 | 24:13 | Link |
2024-02-04 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Who Are Blessed? | Luke 6:20-26 | 59:05 | Link |
2023-01-28 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Over The Wall | Revelation 2:8-11, 3:7-13 | 40:10 | Link |
2024-01-28 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Off The Wall | Luke 6:12-49 | 48:00 | Link |
2023-01-21 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Glory, Holiness, Comfort | Canons of Dort Conclusion | 40:02 | Link |
2024-01-21 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Jesus Is Able to Help You | Luke 6:17-19 | 58:22 | Link |
2023-01-14 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Warning and Apostasy | Canons of Dort H5A11-15 | 39:08 | Link |
2024-01-14 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Stewards of God’s House | 1 Timothy 3 | 38:03 | Link |
2024-01-07 AM | Rev. Kim | Do You See This Sinner? | Luke 7:36-50 | 29:45 | Link |
2023-12-31 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Run The Race Set Before You | Hebrews 11-12:4 | 40:35 | Link |
2023-12-24 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | A Gift to End the Darkness | Isaiah 8:9-9:7 | 41:10 | Link |
2023-12-17 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Assurance in the Shepherd’s Hand | John 10:14-30; Canons of Dort H5A8-10 | 31:05 | Link |
2023-12-17 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | The Sign of Immanuel | Isaiah 7 | 59:47 | Link |
2023-12-10 PM | Dr. Neal Hegeman | The Judgement of the Goats | Matthew 25:31-46; HCQA44 | 34:37 | Link |
2023-12-10 AM | Dr. Neal Hegeman | Jesus’s Graduation Speech for His Servent | Matthew 25:14-30 | 26:14 | Link |
2023-12-03 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | God Began It, Therefore… | Canons of Dort H5: A4-7 | 19:55 | Link |
2023-12-03 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Foundation Stones of the New Temple | Luke 6:12-16 | 1:03:25 | Link |
2023-11-26 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | God Powerfully Preserves | Canons of Dort H5: A1-3 | 26:25 | Link |
2023-11-26 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Dry Sabbaths: Dry Heart | Luke 6:6-11 | 55:50 | Link |
2023-11-19 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Remembering to Give Wholehearted Thanksgiving to God | Psalm 103 | 57:47 | Link |
2023-11-12 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Regeneration | Canons of Dort H3,4: A13-15,17 | 25:44 | Link |
2023-11-12 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Jesus, Lord of the Sabbath | Luke 6:1-5 | 49:08 | Link |
2023-11-05 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | The Blessed Coercion | Canons of Dort H3,4: A11,12,16 | 39:26 | Link |
2023-11-05 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Put on the New Garment & Drink the New Wine | Luke 5:33-39 | 52:40 | Link |
2023-10-29 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Grace Irresistible! | Canons of Dort H3,4: A7-10,R6-9 | 29:17 | Link |
2023-10-29 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Reformation by the Gospel of Jesus Christ | Romans 1:16,17 | 56:18 | Link |
2023-10-22 PM | J. Kim | An End and an Entrance | Philippians 1:21-23; HCLD 16 | 19:33 | Link |
2023-10-22 AM | J. Kim | The Cursed Tree | Mark 11:11-25 | 36:49 | Link |
2023-10-15 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Total Depravity; Total Inability; Total Unwillingness; Totally God | Canons of Dort H3-4A3-6,16,R5 | 28:51 | Link |
2023-10-15 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | When It’s Darkest | Psalm 139 | 1:10:04 | Link |
2023-10-08 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Original Sin, Total Depravity | Romans 5:12-21; Canons of Dort H3-4R1-4 | 31:52 | Link |
2023-10-08 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Where Else Would the Doctor Be? | Luke 5:27-32 | 44:42 | Link |
2023-10-01 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | The Nature of Sin | Canons of Dort H3,4:A1,2,R1-4 | 32:50 | Link |
2023-10-01 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Calling Sinners | Luke 5:27-32 | 48:27 | Link |
2023-09-24 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Man In Sin | Canons of Dort H3,4A1-6 | 27:52 | Link |
2023-09-24 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Crippled Religion | Luke 5:17-26 | 1:07:20 | Link |
2023-09-17 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | God Wills All Men to Be Saved & Not Willing That Any Perish | Selected | 35:11 | Link |
2023-09-17 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Be Thou Cleansed! | Luke 5:12-16 | 1:03:22 | Link |
2023-09-10 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Limited Atonement: But “World” & “All”? | Selected | 54:17 | Link |
2023-09-10 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | I Am A Sinful Man, Lord | Luke 5:1-11 | 55:30 | Link |
2023-09-03 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | My Sheep | Canons of Dort H2 A8,R1,7 | 30:12 | Link |
2023-09-03 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | The Lord Fills the Boat | Luke 5:1-11 | 1:02:50 | Link |
2023-08-27 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | The Trinitarian Plan | Canons of Dort H2R1,2,7 | 28:30 | Link |
2023-08-27 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | He Came to Preach the Gospel | Luke 4:31-44 | 1:03:25 | Link |
2023-08-20 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Limited Atonement | Canons of Dort H2A8-9 | 40:20 | Link |
2023-08-20 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Destroying the Works of the Devil | Luke 4:31-37 | 1:00:30 | Link |
2023-08-13 PM | Dr. Neal Hegeman | Being Born Again | John 3:1-21 | 36:59 | Link |
2023-08-13 AM | Dr. Neal Hegeman | Global Praise for The Eternal Lord | Psalm 117; Romans 15:7-13 | 40:22 | Link |
2023-08-06 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Believe and You Will be Saved | Canons of Dort: Head 2 Art 4-7 | 29:31 | Link |
2023-08-06 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | The Favorable Year Fulfilled | Luke 4:14-30 | 1:12:20 | Link |
2023-07-30 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Definite Satisfaction: Love, Mercy, and Justice | Canons of Dort: Head 2 Art 1-3 | 33:54 | Link |
2023-07-30 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | The Temptation of Jesus | Luke 4:1-13 | 1:09:16 | Link |
2023-07-23 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Canons of Dort: Limited Atonement, The Extent, Intro | Ephesians 5:25-32; Canons of Dort: Head 2 Art 8-9 | 26:55 | Link |
2023-07-23 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | The Temptation of Jesus | Luke 4:1-13 | 56:42 | Link |
2023-07-16 PM | Dr. Neal Hegeman | Promises For God’s People Ascending to Jerusalem | Psalm 125; Canons of Dort: Head 2 Art 5 | 39:11 | Link |
2023-07-16 AM | Dr. Neal Hegeman | Repent, For The Kingdom Of Heaven Is At Hand | Matthew 4:12-25 | 34:03 | Link |
2023-07-09 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Election, Useful | Canons of Dort: Head 1 Art 12,13,18 | 46:34 | Link |
2023-07-09 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Victory of the Second Adam, Son of God | Luke 4:1-13 | 40:05 | Link |
2023-07-02 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Canons of Dort: Election unto Individual Salvation | Canons of Dort: Head 1 Art 7,8,10,RoE 1-3,6,8 | 38:22 | Link |
2023-07-02 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Jesus Relates | Luke 3:23-38 | 55:20 | Link |
2023-06-25 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Canons of Dort: God’s Election, Independent | Romans 8,9; Canons of Dort: Head 1 Art 5,6,9,10 | 53:15 | Link |
2023-06-25 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Identity; Jesus is Baptized | Luke 3:15-22 | 51:07 | Link |
2023-06-18 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Fathers | Psalm 127; HCQA 104 | 58:13 | Link |
2023-06-11 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Herod’s Crowning Crime | Luke 3:18-20 | 31:43 | Link |
2023-06-04 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Canons of Dort: The Doctrine of Election is Scriptural | Canons of Dort: Head 1 Art 7 | 24:20 | Link |
2023-06-04 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Anticipation of Messaih | Luke 3:1-18 | 58:20 | Link |
2023-05-28 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Canons of Dort: The Glory of God | Canons of Dort: Conclusion | 39:02 | Link |
2023-05-28 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | The Voice In The Wilderness Preparing For The Lord | Luke 3:1-18 | 56:10 | Link |
2023-05-21 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Practical Path of Unity | Philippians 4:1-9 | 47:47 | Link |
2023-05-21 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Repentance for the Forgiveness of Sins | Luke 3:1-18 | 41:00 | Link |
2023-05-14 PM | Rev. Lucas Tanner | A Call For Endurance and Faith of the Saints | Revelation 13:1-14:5 | 37:11 | Link |
2023-05-14 AM | Rev. Lucas Tanner | Holding on to Faith | Luke 18:1-8 | 35:35 | Link |
2023-05-07 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | The Third Mark of the True Church | Selected Scripture | 55:12 | Link |
2023-04-30 AM | Rev. Tony Chin | No god but God | Exodus 20:1-6 | 47:45 | Link |
2023-04-23 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Ways to Make Sure Christian Unity Fails & the Church Falls | Philippians 4:1-9 | 45:20 | Link |
2023-04-23 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | John, Preaching a Baptism | Luke 3:1-20 | 46:15 | Link |
2023-04-16 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | The Model of Unity: The Humble Mindset of Christ | Philippians 2:1-18 | 31:20 | Link |
2023-04-16 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | The Forerunner Manifested to Israel | Luke 3:1-18 | 39:01 | Link |
2023-04-09 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Believe and Follow | John 20-21 | 58:01 | Link |
2023-04-07 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Commemorating & Believing in the Passion of our Lord | John 18-19 | 10:48 | Link |
2023-04-02 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | The Means of Unity | Philippians 2:1-18; HCQA 55 | 37:00 | Link |
2023-04-02 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | The Triumphal Entry | Mark 11:1-11 | 51:30 | Link |
2023-03-26 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | The Mar and Means of Unity | Philippians 2:1-18; HCLD 40 | 39:00 | Link |
2023-03-26 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | The Triumphal Entry | Mark 11:1-11 | 33:45 | Link |
2023-03-19 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | My Father’s Business: The Boyhood of Jesus | Luke 2 | 51:05 | Link |
2023-03-12 PM | Rev. Scott Wright | The Holy Spirit | John 14:15-31; HCLD 20 | 28:04 | Link |
2023-03-12 AM | Rev. Scott Wright | Two Pleas | Esther 7 | 31:57 | Link |
2023-03-05 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Mindset of Unity | Philippians 2:1-18; HCLD 21 | 39:10 | Link |
2023-03-05 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | The Redemption of Jerusalem | Luke 2:21-38 | 58:45 | Link |
2023-02-26 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | The Motivation for Unity | Philippians 1:19-2:18; Heidelberg Catechism QA105 | 38:38 | Link |
2023-02-26 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Jesus, Consolation or Confrontation? | Luke 2:21-35 | 52:44 | Link |
2023-02-19 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Unity Worth Fighting For | Philippians 2; Belgic Confession 28 | 29:47 | Link |
2023-02-19 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Baby Jesus Comes to His Temple | Luke 2:21-38 | 44:15 | Link |
2023-02-12 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Unity of Blood | Ephesians 2; Belgic Confession 27 | 32:50 | Link |
2023-02-12 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | The Shepherds, Angel, the Glory of God, & a Babe in a Manger | Luke 2:1-21 | 40:17 | Link |
2023-02-05 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | The Fact of Unity | Heidelberg Catechism QA54 | 25:26 | Link |
2023-02-05 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | The Birth of Jesus | Luke 2; Daniel 2 | 55:15 | Link |
2023-01-29 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | The Kind of Unity | Belgic Confession 29 | 31:48 | Link |
2023-01-29 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | John, the Prophet of the Most High | Luke 1 | 51:05 | Link |
2023-01-22 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | The Prophecy of Zacharias, pt. 2 | Luke 1:67-79 | 17:43 | Link |
2023-01-22 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | The Prophecy of Zacharias | Luke 1:67-79 | 52:31 | Link |
2023-01-15 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | The Priority of Unity | Belgic Confession 28 | 34:05 | Link |
2023-01-15 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | The Birth of John | Luke 1:56-80 | 46:26 | Link |
2023-01-08 PM | Dr. Neal Hegeman | God Is Always Right | Romans 3, Canons of Dort H1:1-4 | 53:44 | Link |
2023-01-08 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Let Us Join the Song of Mary Magnifiying God for His Salvation | Luke 1:46-56 | 37:22 | Link |
2023-01-01 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Summing Up The Lord’s Model Prayer | Matthew 6:5-15 | 33:45 | Link |
2023-01-01 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | A Plea to Shepherd God’s Flock Faithfully fot the Chief Shepherd | 1 Peter 5:1-5 | 48:23 | Link |
2022-12-25 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | The Lord’s Model Prayer: Lead Us Not Into Temptation | HCLD 52 | 29:54 | Link |
2022-12-25 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | What Christmas Is About | Luke 1:26-45 | 36:02 | Link |
2022-12-18 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | The Lord’s Model Prayer: Forgive Us…As We Have Forgiven | HCLD 51 | 33:06 | Link |
2022-12-18 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Announcement of the Birth of the Forerunner of the Lord | Luke 1:1-25 | 53:40 | Link |
2022-12-11 PM | Dr. Neal Hegeman | Prayer for God’s Provision | 1 Corinthians 4:7; HCLD 50 | 28:54 | Link |
2022-12-11 AM | Dr. Neal Hegeman | Simeon’s Holy Spirit Revealed Profession of the Child Jesus | Luke 2:25-35 | 30:39 | Link |
2022-12-04 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | The Lord’s Model Prayer: Thy Will Be Done | HCLD 49 | 20:00 | Link |
2022-12-04 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Jesus, The Good Shepherd | Ezekiel 34; Matthew 25:31-46 | 35:40 | Link |
2022-11-27 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | The Lord’s Model Prayer: Thy Kingdom Come | HCLD 48 | 34:16 | Link |
2022-11-27 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | The Good Shepherd | Psalm 23 | 47:21 | Link |
2022-11-20 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | The Lord’s Model Prayer: Hallowed Be Thy Name | Psalm 145; HCLD 47 | 24:05 | Link |
2022-11-20 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Thanksgiving Through Jesus Christ | Luke 17:11-19 | 49:52 | Link |
2022-11-13 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | The Lord’s Model Prayer: Our Father, Which Art in Heaven | Matthew 6:25-34; HCLD 46 | 32:22 | Link |
2022-11-13 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Go Evangelize | Selected Scriptures | 46:27 | Link |
2022-11-06 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | The Lord’s Model Prayer: Learning to Pray from the Master Himself | HCLD 45 | 27:15 | Link |
2022-11-06 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Security in the Midst of All Trouble | Psalm 46 | 1:04:43 | Link |
2022-10-30 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | The Tenth Commandment | HCLD 44 | 26:48 | Link |
2022-10-30 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Sola Scriptura, Here I Stand! | Isaiah 66:1-4; Zeph 3:1-7; BC art 7; 2 Tim 4:1-5 | 50:30 | Link |
2022-10-23 PM | Elder Ron Lotterman; Rev. Andrew Eenigenburg | In the Tent of Truth | Psalm 15; HCLD 43 | 20:25 | Link |
2022-10-23 AM | Elder Ron Lotterman; Rev. Keith Davis | A Light Shining In The Darkness | Matthew 18:15-20; 1 Corinthians 5; Hebrews 12:3-15 | 39:51 | Link |
2022-10-16 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | The Eighth Commandment | Isaiah 58:5-10; HCLD 42 | 34:08 | Link |
2022-10-16 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Love Disciplines | Matthew 18:15-20; 1 Corinthians 5; Hebrews 12:3-15 | 32:19 | Link |
2022-10-09 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Jesus Rules Over Hurricanes, ect | Mark 4:35-41 | 51:51 | Link |
2022-09-25 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | The Fifth Commandment | Ephesians 6:1-9; Colossians 3:18-4:1; HCLD 39 | 38:17 | Link |
2022-09-25 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | An Actual Atonement | John 10:1-30 | 53:50 | Link |
2022-09-11 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | The Fourth Commandment: Resting in The Lord | Heidelberg Catechism LD 37 | 26:37 | Link |
2022-09-11 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | In Adam All Sinned | Romans 5:21-21 | 48:00 | Link |
2022-09-04 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | The Third Commandments | Leviticus 24:10-16; Heidelberg Catechism LD 36 | 38:07 | Link |
2022-09-04 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Sin and Death! | Romans 5:21-21 | 45:19 | Link |
2022-08-28 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | The First & Second Commandments | Deut 4:12-19; Isaiah 40; Heidelberg Catechism LD 35 | 34:41 | Link |
2022-08-28 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | In Christ!(first few minutes lost) | Romans 5:1-21 | 27:31 | Link |
2022-08-21 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Ten Commandments & The First of All | Heidelberg Catechism LD 34 | 38:05 | Link |
2022-08-21 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Joyful Boasting in God | Romans 5:1-11 | 53:57 | Link |
2022-08-14 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Repentance, Faith, & Good Works | Colossians 3:5-10; Heidelberg Catechism LD 33 | 29:03 | Link |
2022-08-14 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Proof of Love! | Romans 5:1-11 | 46:49 | Link |
2022-08-07 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Gratitude and Good Works | 1 Peter 2:5-10; Heidelberg Catechism LD 32 | 23:54 | Link |
2022-08-07 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | God’s Wondrous Love! | Romans 5:1-11 | 57:21 | Link |
2022-07-31 PM | Dr. Neal Hegeman | Reconciliation Promised | Malachi 4; John 20:19-23; Heidelberg Catechism LD 31 | 42:55 | Link |
2022-07-31 AM | Dr. Neal Hegeman | Preparing for the Lord’s Prayer | Luke 10-11 | 39:51 | Link |
2022-07-24 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | The Mass Dismissed! | Heidelberg Catechism LD 30 | 25:14 | Link |
2022-07-24 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Access to God | Romans 5:1-11 | 52:33 | Link |
2022-07-17 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Security of Justifying Faith | Romans 5:1-11 | 51:52 | Link |
2022-07-10 PM | Elder Ron Lotterman; Rev. Reuben Bredenhof | Communion With Christ | 1 Corinthians 10:1-22; Heidelberg Catechism LD 28 | 30:16 | Link |
2022-07-10 AM | Elder Ron Lotterman; Rev. Matthew Nuiver | Recognize The Right Relationship | Matthew 7:13-23 | 38:52 | Link |
2022-07-03 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Biblical Reasons for Infant Baptism | Acts 16:11-34; Heidelberg Catechism LD 27 | 28:33 | Link |
2022-07-03 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Lessons on Faith | Romans 4 | 52:22 | Link |
2022-06-26 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | See and Believe the Blood and Spirit | Acts 2:32-47; Heidelberg Catechism LD 26 | 23:20 | Link |
2022-06-26 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Believe God’s Promise and Power | Romans 4 | 50:38 | Link |
2022-06-19 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Sacraments are Signs and Seals of the Gospel Promise | Heidelberg Catechism LD 25 | 5:34 | Link |
2022-06-19 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Father of Many Nations | Romans 4 | 44:00 | Link |
2022-06-12 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Good Works and Merit | Ephesians 2; Heidelberg Catechism LD 24 | 27:50 | Link |
2022-06-12 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Who Are the Blessed? | Romans 4 | 44:50 | Link |
2022-06-05 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Faith Alone | Luke 18:9-14; Heidelberg Catechism LD 23 | 18:18 | Link |
2022-06-05 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | God Justifies the Ungodly | Romans 4 | 49:06 | Link |
2022-05-29 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Glorification | 2 Corinthians 4-5; Heidelberg Catechism LD 22 | 17:03 | Link |
2022-05-29 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Father Abraham, Justified by Faith | Romans 4 | 42:30 | Link |
2022-05-22 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Catholic, Communion, Forgiven | Romans 8:28-39; Heidelberg Catechism LD 21 | 23:45 | Link |
2022-05-22 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Back to Romans | Romans 1 | 43:42 | Link |
2022-05-15 PM | Elder Ron Lotterman; Rev. Reuben Bredenhof | Be Filled with the Spirit! | John 6:5-16; Heidelberg Catechism LD 20 | 31:35 | Link |
2022-05-15 AM | Dr. Jeff Doll | FAITH | Hebrews 11:1-2 | 54:39 | Link |
2022-05-08 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Jesus at the Right Hand of God | Psalm 110; Heidelberg Catechism LD 19 | 30:12 | Link |
2022-05-08 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Mothers, Don’t Forget | Psalm 127,128 | 56:44 | Link |
2022-05-01 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Christ’s Ascension | Acts 1:1-11; Heidelberg Catechism LD 18 | 18:31 | Link |
2022-05-01 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Final Antichrist & Christ’s Triumph | 2 Thessalonians 2:1-12 | 58:09 | Link |
2022-04-24 PM | Rev. Steve Swets | Chosen In Him: Election | Ephesians 1; Belgic Confession 16 | 42:04 | Link |
2022-04-24 AM | Rev. Steve Swets | A Farewell Sermon | John 12:20-36 | 36:23 | Link |
2022-04-17 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | He “Descended Into Hell” | Galatians 3:6-14; Heidelberg Catechism LD16 | 16:54 | Link |
2022-04-17 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Because He is Risen! | Luke 24; I Corinthians 15 | 47:21 | Link |
2022-04-15 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Love That Gave It All | Luke 22-23 | 37:24 | Link |
2022-04-10 PM | Dr. Neal Hegeman | The Afflicted and Redeeming Savior | Psalm 22; Heidelberg Catechism LD15 | 44:13 | Link |
2022-04-10 AM | Dr. Neal Hegeman | Jesus’ Evengelical Mission on Palm Sunday | Mark 11:1-19 | 39:51 | Link |
2022-04-03 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | His Virgin Birth and Incarnation | Galatians 3:15-29; Heidelberg Catechism LD14 | 33:11 | Link |
2022-04-03 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Final Antichrist and Christ’s Triumph | 2 Thessalonians 2 | 55:55 | Link |
2022-03-27 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | The Only Begotten Son and Our Lord | John 1:1-18; Heidelberg Catechism LD13 | 17:03 | Link |
2022-03-27 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Apostasy and Antichrist | 2 Thessalonians 2 | 52:42 | Link |
2022-03-20 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | The Annointed One and Us | Acts 10:34-48; Heidelberg Catechism LD12 | 23:03 | Link |
2022-03-20 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Final Judgment | 2 Thessalonians 1-2 | 47:54 | Link |
2022-03-13 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | His Name Means Salvation | Colossians 1:25-2:17; Heidelberg Catechism LD11 | 18:10 | Link |
2022-03-13 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Retribution and Relief | 2 Thessalonians 1 | 1:00:07 | Link |
2022-03-06 PM | Elder Ron Lotterman; Rev. Steven Swets | God’s Providence | Genesis 37; Heidelberg Catechism LD10 | 28:16 | Link |
2022-03-06 AM | Elder Ron Lotterman; Rev. Keith Davis | Divine Inspection | Psalm 139 | 28:20 | Link |
2022-02-27 PM | Dr. Neal Hegeman | The Heavenly Father | John 14:1-21; Heidelberg Catechism LD9 | 51:10 | Link |
2022-02-27 AM | Dr. Neal Hegeman | Praise the Lord | Psalm 150 | 43:13 | Link |
2022-02-20 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | One God, Three Persons, Each Fully God | Heidelberg Catechism LD8 | 20:00 | Link |
2022-02-20 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | More Problems in Thessalonica | 2 Thessalonians | 41:47 | Link |
2022-02-13 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | True Faith | Luke 8:4-15; Heidelberg Catechism LD7 | 23:13 | Link |
2022-02-13 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Keep Awake | 1 Thessalonians 4:13-5:14 | 41:16 | Link |
2022-02-06 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | The Deliverer Must Be True God and True Righteous Man | Philippians 2:1-11; Heidelberg Catechism LD6 | 22:23 | Link |
2022-02-06 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Being Ready for the Day of the Lord | 1 Thessalonians 4:13-5:14 | 42:24 | Link |
2022-01-30 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Satisfaction Needed, But by Whom? | Hebrews 10; Heidelberg Catechism LD5 | 19:23 | Link |
2022-01-30 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Comfort for the Bereaved | 1 Thessalonians 4:13-5:11 | 57:40 | Link |
2022-01-23 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | God is Just to Punish Sinners | Romans 3:1-20; Heidelberg Catechism LD4 | 27:05 | Link |
2022-01-23 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Faith, Love, Hope, and the 2nd Coming | 1 Thessalonians | 43:07 | Link |
2022-01-16 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Original Sin | Romans 5:12-21; Heidelberg Catechism LD3 | 22:03 | Link |
2022-01-16 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | The Consummation of Discipleship: What Sort of People Should We Be | 2 Peter 3 | 53:47 | Link |
2022-01-09 PM | Elder Ron Lotterman; (Rev. Keith Davis) | Sin Exposed | Romans 7:7-13; Heidelberg Catechism LD2 | 31:10 | Link |
2022-01-09 AM | Elder Ron Lotterman; (Dr. Cornelis Venema) | A Prayer for Wisdom in the New Year | Psalm 90 | 26:56 | Link |
2022-01-02 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | My Only Comfort | 2 Corinthians 1:1-11; Heidelberg Catechism LD1 | 23:11 | Link |
2022-01-02 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | The Consummation of Discipleship: New Heaven and New Earth | 2 Peter 3 | 49:27 | Link |
2021-12-26 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | The General Resurrection | Belgic Confession 37 | 30:43 | Link |
2021-12-26 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | The Consummation of Discipleship | 2 Peter 3 | 49:16 | Link |
2021-12-24 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Finding Christmas | Luke 1-2 | 41:09 | Link |
2021-12-19 PM | Dr. Neal Hegeman | Double Agent Government | Matthew 2:1-12; Belgic Confession 36 | 29:30 | Link |
2021-12-19 AM | Dr. Neal Hegeman | Anti Vanity Vaccine | Ecclesiastes 11:9-12:14 | 25:38 | Link |
2021-12-12 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Consummation of Discipleship Not Delayed | 2 Peter 3 | 58:19 | Link |
2021-12-05 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | The Sacrament of Baptism | John 1:19-34, 3:22-36; Matthew 28:18-19, Acts 2:32-41; Belgic Confession 34 | 22:48 | Link |
2021-12-05 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Consummation of Discipleship | 2 Peter 3 | 53:07 | Link |
2021-11-28 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | The Sacraments | Matthew 28:18-19, Luke 22:14-20; Belgic Confession 33 | 17:04 | Link |
2021-11-28 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Making Disciples | Selected Scriptures | 53:41 | Link |
2021-11-21 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Officers, Order, and Discipline | Titus 1; Belgic Confession 31,32 | 22:29 | Link |
2021-11-21 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | I Will Give Thanks | Psalm 138 | 51:04 | Link |
2021-11-14 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Church Government | 1 Timothy 3; Belgic Confession 30,31 | 29:02 | Link |
2021-11-14 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | The Cost and Encouragement of Dischipleship | Matthew 10:16-39 | 40:22 | Link |
2021-11-07 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | The True Church | Matthew 6:13-20,18:15-20; Belgic Confession 28-29 | 23:14 | Link |
2021-11-07 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | The Cost of Dischipleship | Matthew 10:16-39 | 51:47 | Link |
2021-10-31 PM | Elder Ron Lotterman | The Catholic Christian Church | 1 Kings 19; Belgic Confession 27 | 40:17 | Link |
2021-10-31 AM | Elder Ron Lotterman | In the Face of His Bride’s Blatant Harlotry; The God of Grace Remembers The Covenant | Ezekiel 16 | 53:17 | Link |
2021-10-24 PM | Elder Wayne Morosco | Infants as Well as Adults | Acts 2; Heidelberg Catechism LD27 | 21:28 | Link |
2021-10-24 AM | Elder Wayne Morosco | Evangelism and the Reformed | Ephesians 1; Canons of Dordt H2A5 | 28:01 | Link |
2021-10-17 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Fear Not; Come to Jesus | Belgic Confession 26 | 34:21 | Link |
2021-10-17 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | The Cost of Discipleship | Matthew 16 | 49:23 | Link |
2021-10-10 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | The Law | Selected Scripture; Belgic Confession 25 | 39:58 | Link |
2021-10-10 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | The Communion of Discipleship | 1 Corinthians 13; Philippians 1 | 48:55 | Link |
2021-10-03 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Sanctification | Titus 2-3; Belgic Confession 24 | 23:55 | Link |
2021-10-03 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | The Communion of Discipleship | Ephesians 2-3 | 54:40 | Link |
2021-09-26 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Justification by Faith | Romans 3; Belgic Confession 23 | 22:08 | Link |
2021-09-26 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | The Communion of Discipleship | Matthew 18:1-10 | 59:27 | Link |
2021-09-19 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | The Holy Spirit’s Gift of Faith | John 3; Belgic Confession 22 | 16:25 | Link |
2021-09-19 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | The Communion of Discipleship | Matthew 18 | 54:28 | Link |
2021-09-12 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | The King, The Prophet, and The Priest | Hebrews 4; Belgic Confession 21 | 17:41 | Link |
2021-09-12 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | The Crown of Discipleship | Selected Scriptures | 46:03 | Link |
2021-09-05 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Justice and Mercy …and Love | Isaiah 59; Belgic Confession 20 | 22:26 | Link |
2021-09-05 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Dangers and Discipleship: False Professions & Christ’s Confession | Matthew 7:15-29 | 57:00 | Link |
2021-08-29 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | God and Man | Hebrews 2; Belgic Confession 19 | 21:40 | Link |
2021-08-29 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Dangers and Discipleship: False Prophets and Bad Fruit | Matthew 7:13-29 | 55:43 | Link |
2021-08-22 PM | Dr. Neal Hegeman | Pros and Cons of the Incarnation of Jesus Christ | Luke 1:26-38; Belgic Confession 18 | 39:13 | Link |
2021-08-22 AM | Dr. Neal Hegeman | Responding to Natural Disasters | Joel 1 | 35:11 | Link |
2021-08-15 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | The Doctrine of Election | Romans 9:6-29; Belgic Confession 16,17 | 22:35 | Link |
2021-08-15 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing | Matthew 7:13-21 | 58:23 | Link |
2021-08-08 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Guilty in Adam | Romans 5:12-21; Belgic Confession 15 | 23:21 | Link |
2021-08-08 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Enter by the Narrow Gate | Matthew 7:13-29 | 35:26 | Link |
2021-08-01 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | The Doctrine of Original Sin | Psalm 51; Belgic Confession 15 | 25:19 | Link |
2021-08-01 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Character of Disciples: The Golden Rule | Matthew 7:1-12 | 55:50 | Link |
2021-07-25 PM | Rev. Cal Tuininga | Christins and Trials | James 1:1-8 | 35:08 | Link |
2021-07-25 AM | Rev. Cal Tuininga | Dispersed Servants | Ephesians 1:11-22; James 1:1 | 33:36 | Link |
2021-07-18 PM | Elder Ron Lotterman | Sabbath: A Day For Work | Matthew 12:1-14 | 34:31 | Link |
2021-07-18 AM | Elder Ron Lotterman | The Lord Will Provide | Genesis 22 | 30:16 | Link |
2021-07-11 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Fallen Man | Genesis 3; Belgic Confession 14 | 20:54 | Link |
2021-07-11 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Character of Disciples | Matthew 7 | 37:54 | Link |
2021-07-04 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Creation and Fall of Man | Genesis 1:26-2:3; Belgic Confession 14 | 14:32 | Link |
2021-07-04 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Character of Disciples | Matthew 7 | 1:02:01 | Link |
2021-06-27 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Providence | Esther 5-6; Belgic Confession 13 | 28:14 | Link |
2021-06-27 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Character of Disciples | Matthew 7 | 50:08 | Link |
2021-06-20 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Creator | Job 38; Belgic Confession 12 | 13:25 | Link |
2021-06-20 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Character of Disciples | Matthew 6 | 48:27 | Link |
2021-06-13 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | God The Spirit | John 14,15,16; Belgic Confession 11 | 17:23 | Link |
2021-06-13 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Character of True Disciples | Matthew 6 | 39:37 | Link |
2021-06-06 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Jesus: God in Flesh | John 1; Belgic Confession 10 | 20:01 | Link |
2021-06-06 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Character of True Disciples | Matthew 6 | 53:12 | Link |
2021-05-30 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Trinty in Scripture | Hebrews 1:1-2:3; Belgic Confession 9 | 11:54 | Link |
2021-05-30 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Character of True Disciples | Matthew 6 | 56:49 | Link |
2021-05-23 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | The Sufficiency of Scripture | Ps 19:7-14; 2 Tim 3:15-17; Heb 4:12-13; Belgic 6-7 | 20:40 | Link |
2021-05-23 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Character of True Disciples: Service in the Sight of the Father | Matthew 6:1-18 | 47:21 | Link |
2021-05-16 PM | Dr. Neal Hegeman | The Trinity | Ezekiel 8; Belgic Confession 8 | 29:18 | Link |
2021-05-16 AM | Dr. Neal Hegeman | The Vision of Ezekiel | Ezekial 1 | 34:26 | Link |
2021-05-09 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | …And the Spirit Taught Me | 1 Cor 2; Belgic Confession 4-5 | 17:58 | Link |
2021-05-09 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Honoring Mothers | Proverbs 21 | 46:42 | Link |
2021-05-02 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | God Has Said: Inspiration | Deut 9:8-10:5;2 Pet 1:16-21; 1 Tim 3:10-4:4 | 19:00 | Link |
2021-05-02 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | The Character of Discipleship | Matthew 5:43-48 | 53:15 | Link |
2021-04-25 PM | Elder Wayne Morosco | Baptism for the Forgiveness of Sins? | Ezekiel 36 | 46:26 | Link |
2021-04-25 AM | Elder Wayne Morosco | Covenantal Friendship | Genesis 18 | 37:13 | Link |
2021-04-18 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | One God, Believe & Worship | Deuteronomy 6:1-9; Belgic 1 | 18:27 | Link |
2021-04-18 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | The Character of Discipleship | Matthew 5:43-48 | 50:54 | Link |
2021-04-11 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Purpose of Trials | Selected | 37:11 | Link |
2021-04-11 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | The Character of Discipleship | Matthew 5:33-48 | 57:51 | Link |
2021-04-04 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Resurrection out of the Dead | Acts 26 | 49:04 | Link |
2021-04-02 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Innocent Jesus Suffers | John 19 | 23:57 | Link |
2021-03-28 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Paul’s Testimony Before Herod | Acts 25-26 | 46:31 | Link |
2021-03-28 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | The Character of Discipleship | Matthew 5-6 | 47:53 | Link |
2021-03-21 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Paul’s Trial Before Festus | Acts 25 | 32:14 | Link |
2021-03-21 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | The Character of Discipleship | Matthew 4-5 | 52:39 | Link |
2021-03-14 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Paul Before Felix | Acts 24 | 44:56 | Link |
2021-03-14 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | The Confession of Discipleship | Selected Scriptures | 42:44 | Link |
2021-03-07 PM | Rev. Drew Eenigenburg | Shamed for Pride and Privilege | Matthew 12 | 31:50 | Link |
2021-03-07 AM | Rev. Drew Eenigenburg | Harvesting from the Heart Tree | Matthew 12:33-37 | 27:55 | Link |
2021-02-28 PM | Elder Wayne Morosco | The Triune God: Glorious Creator of All Things | Genesis 1 | 40:53 | Link |
2021-02-28 AM | Elder Wayne Morosco | What Does it Mean to be a Reformed Church: Antithesis | Genesis 3 | 38:25 | Link |
2021-02-21 PM | Dr. Neal Hegeman | The Fall of Jerusalem | Jeremiah 52 | 41:40 | Link |
2021-02-21 AM | Dr. Neal Hegeman | Baruch, the Faithful Scribe | Jeremiah 45 | 36:46 | Link |
2021-02-14 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Plot and Providence | Acts 23 | 40:23 | Link |
2021-02-14 AM | Dr. Jeff Doll | Jesus Christ Rules Over All of Life’s Storms | Mark 4:25-41 | 49:54 | Link |
2021-02-07 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Paul’s Defense Before the Sanhedrin | Acts 23 | 41:33 | Link |
2021-02-07 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | The Call to Discipleship | John 1 | 46:57 | Link |
2021-01-31 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Paul’s Defense Before the Jewish Mob | Acts 22 | 51:11 | Link |
2021-01-31 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Being Disciples: Making Disciples | Matthew 28:16-20 | 52:44 | Link |
2021-01-24 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Paul In Jerusalem | Acts 21:15-40 | 41:03 | Link |
2021-01-24 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Being Disciples; Making Disciples | Matthew 28:16-20 | 1:02:07 | Link |
2021-01-17 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Resolute to Jerusalem | Acts 21 | 39:32 | Link |
2021-01-17 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | When America Stumbled and Fell | Psalm 118 | 1:01:18 | Link |
2021-01-10 PM | Elder Wayne Morosco | Sin Exposed | Romans 7:7-13 | 31:53 | Link |
2021-01-10 AM | Elder Wayne Morosco | Look to the Ascended Jesus | Hebrews 11:32-12:11 | 36:14 | Link |
2021-01-03 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Guarding the Flock against Wolves | Acts 20:17-38 | 52:40 | Link |
2021-01-03 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Serving the Lord | Acts 20:17-38 | 52:53 | Link |
2020-12-27 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Macedonia, Greece, Troas, Miletus, Discipleship, Worship, Service | Acts 20 | 44:50 | Link |
2020-12-27 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Being Disciples; Making Disciples | Matthew 7:24-27 | 58:56 | Link |
2020-12-24 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Cancelling Christmas | Matthew 2:1-23 | 41:52 | Link |
2020-12-20 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Glad Tidings of Great Joy | Luke 2:1-12 | 38:13 | Link |
2020-12-13 PM | Dr. Neal Hegeman | The New Jerusalem, Its Citizens and Enemies | Isaiah | 40:49 | Link |
2020-12-13 AM | Dr. Neal Hegeman | Emmanuel: God With Us | Isaiah 7-8; Matthew 1:18-25 | 25:40 | Link |
2020-12-06 PM | Elder Wayne Morosco | The True Vine | John 15 | 41:12 | Link |
2020-12-06 AM | Elder Wayne Morosco | What Does it Mean to be a Reformed Church: Church Government | Titus 1:5-9 | 31:27 | Link |
2020-11-29 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Paul in Ephesus | Acts 19 | 46:47 | Link |
2020-11-29 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Boasting? Distinctions? Law-Voiding? | Romans 3:21-31 | 1:00:38 | Link | 2020-11-22 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Great Thanksgiving in the Majesty of God | Psalm 47 | 46:29 | Link |
2020-11-15 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Paul in Ephesus | Acts 18:18-19:7 | 48:48 | Link |
2020-11-15 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | No Room for Boasting! | Romans 3:21-4:5 | 58:05 | Link |
2020-11-8 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Paul in Corinth | Acts 18 | 45:55 | Link |
2020-11-8 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Wait for the Lord | Psalm 27 | 58:40 | Link |
2020-11-1 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | The Unknown God, Made Known | Acts 17:16-33 | 51:56 | Link |
2020-11-1 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | A Righteousness Righteous | Romans 3 | 54:49 | Link |
2020-10-25 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Paul in Athens, Provoked | Acts 17 | 47:30 | Link |
2020-10-25 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Wrath and Blood | Romans 3:21-30 | 1:02:41 | Link |
2020-10-18 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Thessalonica, Berea, and the Scripture | Acts 17 | 51:05 | Link |
2020-10-18 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Thy Blood and Righteousness | Romans 3:21-30 | 47:05 | Link |
2020-10-11 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Closed and Open Prisons | Acts 16 | 52:13 | Link |
2020-10-11 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | A Righteousness by Faith | Romans 3 | 52:43 | Link |
2020-10-4 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Closed and Open | Acts 16 | 40:39 | Link |
2020-10-4 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | How Shall I Vote? | Isaiah 45:1-13 | 1:01:55 | Link |
2020-9-27 PM | Rev. Lucas Tanner | I Still Havn’t Found What I’m Looking For | John 4:1-29 | 33:06 | Link |
2020-9-27 AM | Rev. Lucas Tanner | Jesus and the Disabled Man | John 5:1-18 | 39:49 | Link |
2020-9-20 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Closed and Open Doors | Acts 16 | 40:52 | Link |
2020-9-20 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Taking a Stand | Ephesians 6:10-19 | 1:00:18 | Link |
2020-9-13 PM | Dr. Neal Hegeman | Questions and Answers about Faith | Habakkuk | 50:46 | Link |
2020-9-13 AM | Dr. Neal Hegeman | The Two Witnesses | Revelation 11 | 42:55 | Link |
2020-9-6 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | The Christian and the Moral Law | Matthew 5:17-47 | 38:34 | Link |
2020-9-6 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | The Righteousness God Accepts | Romans 3:9-32 | 1:00:14 | Link |
2020-8-30 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | The Christian and the Law | Hebrews 8:13-9:10 | 52:50 | Link |
2020-8-30 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | No, Not One! | Romans 3:9-20 | 1:06:57 | Link |
2020-8-23 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | The Christian and the Law | Acst 15:13-32 | 49:59 | Link |
2020-8-23 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Dangerous Privileges | Romans 2:25-3:8 | 1:02:33 | Link |
2020-8-16 PM | Rev. Dennis Royall | Christ’s Sonship and Our Adoption as Sons | Ephesians 1:1-14 | 50:22 | Link |
2020-8-16 AM | Rev. Dennis Royall | A New Creation! | 2 Corinthians 5:16-21 | 47:59 | Link |
2020-8-9 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Law, Liberty, and Love | Acts 15 | 49:37 | Link |
2020-8-9 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | False Security | Romans 2:17-29 | 53:13 | Link |
2020-8-2 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Apostles and Prophets | Acts 15 | 47:24 | Link |
2020-8-2 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Judged by Knowledge | Romans 2:11-29 | 58:00 | Link |
2020-7-26 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Circumcision & Salvation | Acts 15 | 46:03 | Link |
2020-7-26 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | The Revelation of the Righteous Judgement of God | Romans 2:1-16 | 1:00:04 | Link |
2020-7-19 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Looking to the Living God | Acts 14 | 43:44 | Link |
2020-7-19 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Are You the Man? | Romans 1:24-2:16 | 1:00:09 | Link |
2020-7-12 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | The Message Spreads | Acts 13 | 55:48 | Link |
2020-7-12 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Given Over | Romans 1:18-32 | 55:22 | Link |
2020-7-5 PM | Dr. Neal Hegeman | The Great Commandment | Mark 12:13-44 | 42:10 | Link |
2020-7-5 AM | Dr. Neal Hegeman | The Gospel of the Kingdom of God | Malachi 3:1-7; Mark 1:1-15 | 48:41 | Link |
2020-6-28 | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Bless the God of Glory | Romans 1:18-25 | 1:10:15 | Link |
2020-6-21 | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Given Over | Romans 1:18-32 | 46:44 | Link |
2020-6-14 | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Reasons for the Wrath: False Religion | Romans 1:16-23 | 50:11 | Link |
2020-6-7 | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Reasons for the Wrath of God 2 | Romans 1:18-32 | 53:17 | Link |
2020-5-31 | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Reasons for the Wrath of God | Romans 1:18-32 | 1:00:07 | Link |
2020-5-24 | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | The Wrath of God Revealed | Romans 1:18-32 | 1:06:19 | Link |
2020-5-17 | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | The Bad News | Romans 1:18-32 | 30:24 | Link |
2020-5-10 | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Not Ashamed of the Gospel part 2 | Romans 1:1-17 | 44:00 | Link |
2020-5-3 | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Not Ashamed of The Gospel | Romans 1:1-17 | 1:06:31 | Link |
2020-3-29 | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Protection In The Pandemic and Panic Covid-19 | Psalm 121 | 45:11 | Link |
2020-3-15 PM | Rev. Sam Perez | Love the Lord Your God | Deuteronomy 6 | 33:15 | Link |
2020-3-15 AM | Rev. Sam Perez | Jesus, The Only Savior | Matthew 1:21; Heidlburg Catachism LD 11 | 35:08 | Link |
2020-3-8 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Paul’s First Sermon in Acts | Acts 13 | 39:50 | Link |
2020-3-8 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Paul’s Prayers and Plans | Romans 1 | 50:38 | Link |
2020-3-1 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | First Missionary Journey | Acts 13 | 49:12 | Link |
2020-3-1 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Good News: Personified, Proven | Romans 1 | 58:49 | Link |
2020-2-23 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Deliverance, Judgement | Acts 12 | 58:54 | Link |
2020-2-16 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Good News: Promised, Proclaimed | Romans 1 | 52:10 | Link |
2020-2-16 PM | Rev. Drew Eenigenburg | Deliverance from Demons | Matthew 8:28-34 | 27:01 | Link |
2020-2-16 AM | Rev. Drew Eenigenburg | Deepening Our Faith in the Deep Water | Matthew 8:18-27 | 26:11 | Link |
2020-2-15 | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Ralph Hamilton Memorial | Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 | 1:05:32 | Link |
2020-2-9 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Expansion in Gentile Antioch | Acts 11:19-30 | 41:31 | Link |
2020-2-9 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Good News | Romans 1 | 51:33 | Link |
2020-2-2 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | The Gospel to the Gentiles | Acts 10-11 | 39:52 | Link |
2020-2-2 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | The Book of Romans Begins | Romans 1,15,16 | 42:13 | Link |
2020-1-26 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Peter, Healing, Raising, and Gentiles | Acts 9-10 | 55:11 | Link |
2020-1-26 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Final Matters | Titus 3 | 59:22 | Link |
2020-1-19 PM | Rev. Ralph Pontier | The Lord is Not Slow About His Promises | Luke 8:40-56 | 26:36 | Link |
2020-1-19 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Priorities of Shepherds | Titus 3 | 56:33 | Link |
2020-1-12 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Saul Finds The Way | Acts 9 | 54:23 | Link |
2020-1-12 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Christ’s Will for Shepherds | Titus 3 | 43:38 | Link |
2020-1-5 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Philip, the Ethiopian, and Evangelism | Acts 8 | 44:06 | Link |
2020-1-5 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Advanced Theology | Titus 3 | 54:58 | Link |
2019-12-29 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Baptism of the Holy Spirit | Acts 8 | 53:35 | Link |
2019-12-29 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Reminded to Submit to Authorities | Titus 3 | 58:52 | Link |
2019-12-24 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Simeon, A Christmas Sentinal | Luke 2 | 41:08 | Link |
2019-12-22 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Christmas Conduct All Year ‘Round | Titus 2 | 54:41 | Link |
2019-12-15 PM | Dr. Neal Hegeman | Apologetics: Defending the Faith | Jude | 34:35 | Link |
2019-12-15 AM | Dr. Neal Hegeman | Christmas: Celebrating The Miraculous Conception | Luke 1:26-38 | 25:27 | Link |
2019-12-8 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Samaria and Simon the Sorcerer | Acts 8:1-25 | 55:52 | Link |
2019-12-8 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Sound Christian Living: Employees | Titus 2 | 43:57 | Link |
2019-12-1 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Just as Your Fathers | Acts 6-7 | 56:06 | Link |
2019-12-1 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Sound Christian Living: Young Men | Titus 2 | 57:12 | Link |
2019-11-24 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Babes Giving Thanks | Matthew 11:16-29 | 1:03:19 | Link |
2019-11-17 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Stephen and Opposition | Acts 6:8-15 | 43:29 | Link |
2019-11-17 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Sound Christian Living: Young Women | Titus 2 | 1:14:51 | Link |
2019-11-10 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Threats to the Supremacy of Scripture | Acts 6:1-7 | 49:40 | Link |
2019-11-10 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Sound Christian Living: Older Women | Titus 2 | 52:48 | Link |
2019-11-3 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | External Threats to the Church | Acts 5:12-42 | 43:45 | Link |
2019-11-3 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Sound Christian Living | Titus 2 | 1:02:35 | Link |
2019-10-27 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Internal Moral Threats to the Church | Acts 4:32-5:16 | 45:06 | Link |
2019-10-27 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Here I Stand! Reformation Justification | Romans Selected | 56:16 | Link |
2019-10-20 PM | Elder Wayne Morosco | Theft in Poor Stewardship | Luke 16:1-13 | 26:51 | Link |
2019-10-20 AM | Elder Wayne Morosco | Behind the Curtain of Providence | Job 1 | 51:35 | Link |
2019-10-13 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Sweet Communion | Acts 4:32-37 | 50:00 | Link |
2019-10-13 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Doctrine and Conduct | Titus 2 | 56:41 | Link |
2019-10-6 PM | Rev. Dick Stephens | I Will Do It | Isaiah 46 | 36:04 | Link |
2019-10-6 AM | Rev. Tony Chin | Blessed to be a Blessing | Genesis 12:1-3 | 32:56 | Link |
2019-9-29 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Tribulations and Triumph | Acts 4 | 42:30 | Link |
2019-9-29 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Cretans and Commandments of Men | Titus 1 | 59:47 | Link |
2019-9-22 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Complete Restoration | Acts 3 | 41:42 | Link |
2019-9-22 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Stewards of God’s House | Titus 1 | 58:14 | Link |
2019-9-15 PM | Rev. Dick Stevens | A Gospel Grammar Lesson | Hebrews 10:5-18 | 40:45 | Link |
2019-9-15 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Theology 101: Hope of Eternal Life | Titus 1 | 1:02:55 | Link |
2019-9-8 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Founding Focuses | Acts 2 | 53:01 | Link |
2019-9-8 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Theology 101: Truth and Godliness | Titus 1 | 53:01 | Link |
2019-9-1 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | The Outpouring of the Spirit | Acts 2 | 54:38 | Link |
2019-9-1 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Theology 101 | Titus 1:1-4 | 44:17 | Link |
2019-8-25 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | the Gospel of the King Continues | Acts 1 | 50:50 | Link |
2019-8-25 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Theology 101 | Titus 1:1-4 | 35:50 | Link |
2019-8-18 PM | Rev. Tony Chin | God’s Calling to Holiness | Ephesians 4:25-28 | 40:13 | Link |
2019-8-18 AM | Rev. Tony Chin | God’s Calling to Love | Ephesians 4:1-3 | 41:24 | Link |
2019-8-11 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Will You Go Away Too? | John 6:26-69 | 45:07 | Link |
2019-8-11 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Titus, The Letter Begins | Titus 1 | 48:26 | Link |
2019-8-4 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Titus the Man | 2 Corinthians 8; Titus | 36:35 | Link |
2019-8-4 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Chirst Builds His Church: A Fellowship Glorification | John 17 | 43:48 | Link |
2019-7-28 PM | Elder Wayne Morosco | This Man Sat Down | Hebrews 10:11-18 | 29:33 | Link |
2019-7-28 AM | Elder Wayne Morosco | For God’s Sake, Teach These Things | Deuteronomy 6:1-15 | 38:40 | Link |
2019-7-21 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Titus | Galatians 1-2:10; Titus | 32:23 | Link |
2019-7-21 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Christ Builds His Church: A Gospel Sanctification | John 17:17-19 | 54:11 | Link |
2019-7-14 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Being Rich | 1 Timothy 6:17-21 | 46:43 | Link |
2019-7-14 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Christ Builds His Church: A Gospel Sanctification | John 17:1-19 | 45:04 | Link |
2019-7-7 PM | Dr. Neal Hegeman | It Is Written | Matthew 4:1-11 | 50:34 | Link |
2019-7-7 AM | Dr. Neal Hegeman | Many People, One Covenant | Genesis 16 | 41:51 | Link |
2019-6-30 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Reminders That Inspire | 1 Timothy 6:2-21 | 35:03 | Link |
2019-6-30 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Christ Builds His Church: A Symbiotic Security | John 17; Romans 8:28-39; Canons of Dort Head 5 | 50:38 | Link |
2019-6-23 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Flee, Follow, Fight | 1 Timothy 6 | 50:32 | Link |
2019-6-23 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Christ Builds His Church: A Higher Unity | John 17 | 1:05:18 | Link |
2019-6-16 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | The “Profit” of Godliness | 1 Timothy 6:2-10 | 45:06 | Link |
2019-6-16 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Christ’s Church: A Participating Joy | John 17 | 58:40 | Link |
2019-6-9 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Symptoms of False Teachers | 1 Timothy 6:2-9 | 44:40 | Link |
2019-6-9 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Christ Builds His Church: Personal Salvation | John 17:1-12 | 1:00:48 | Link |
2019-6-2 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Symptoms of False Teachers | 1 Timothy 6:3-10 | 39:17 | Link |
2019-6-2 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Christ Prays for His Church | John 17 | 57:36 | Link |
2019-5-26 PM | Rev. Jeff Doll | Overcoming Our Three Sworn Enemies | James 4:1-12 | 44:28 | Link |
2019-5-26 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | The Happy Family | Psalm 128 | 43:07 | Link |
2019-5-19 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Characteristics of False Teachers | 1 Timothy 6:3-10 | 50:46 | Link |
2019-5-19 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | The Graduate’s Race | 2 Timothy 4:1-18 | 44:53 | Link |
2019-5-12 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Honoring Masters | 1 Timothy 6:1-2 | 38:55 | Link |
2019-5-12 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Mothers to Hold on To | Matthew 15:21-28 | 46:35 | Link |
2019-5-5 PM | Elder Wayne Morosco | Christ’s Work in the Ascension | Colossians 3:1-4 | 31:17 | Link |
2019-5-5 AM | Elder Wayne Morosco | God Spoke, God Speaks | Heberws 1:1-3 | 35:25 | Link |
2019-4-28 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Honoring Elders | 1 Timothy 5:17-25 | 59:09 | Link |
2019-4-28 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | The Second Coming | Belgic Confession 37 | 44:21 | Link |
2019-4-21 AM | Elder Wayne Morosco | Resurrection: The Keystone | 1 Corinthians 5:1-20 | 33:04 | Link |
2019-4-19 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Reflections on the Passion of the Christ | Matthew 26:45-67; 27:11-54 | 28:01 | Link |
2019-4-14 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Church Widows | 1 Timothy 5:3-16 | 42:37 | Link |
2019-4-14 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Rejoice in Your King | Zechariah 9; Matthew 21:1-11 | 46:50 | Link |
2019-4-7 PM | Rev. Andrew Knott | Orderly and Loving Church Discipline | 1 Corinthians 5:1-13 | 29:36 | Link |
2019-4-7 AM | Rev. Andrew Knott | Preserving Through Partnership | Hebrews 9-10 | 26:56 | Link |
2019-3-31 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Christians and Government | Romans 13; Belgic Confession 36 | 43:42 | Link |
2019-3-24 PM | Rev. Dick Stevens | Who Touched Me? | Luke 8:40-56 | 38:32 | Link |
2019-3-24 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | The Lord’s Supper | Matthew 26:14-32 | 42:35 | Link |
2019-3-17 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Church Widows | 1 Timothy 5:3-16 | 44:17 | Link |
2019-3-17 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Baptism | John 1:19-34 | 46:59 | Link |
2019-3-10 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Church Widows | 1 Timothy 5:3-16 | 43:07 | Link |
2019-3-10 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | The Sacraments | Luke 22:7-20; Acts 2:32-41 | 43:19 | Link |
2019-3-3 PM | Dr. Neal Hegeman | God Alone | Jude | 40:30 | Link |
2019-3-3 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Apostles of Christ’s Church | Ephesians 2,4 | 58:19 | Link |
2019-2-24 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Church Widows | 1 Timothy 5:3-16 | 39:09 | Link |
2019-2-24 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Christ’s True Church | Selected Passages | 52:05 | Link |
2019-2-17 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Shepherding the Church as a Family | 1 Timothy 5:1-2 | 34:26 | Link |
2019-2-17 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Christ’s Church: Discipleship | Matthew 16:13-26 | 50:35 | Link |
2019-2-10 PM | Rev. Andrew Eenigenburg | When the Lord Comes | Luke 19:11-27 | 39:40 | Link |
2019-2-10 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Christ’s Church: Conquering Hell & Opening Heaven | Matthew 16:13-28 | 51:42 | Link |
2019-2-3 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | A Protection Against Apostasy: Excellent Ministers | 1 Timothy 4 | 42:25 | Link |
2019-2-3 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Christ’s Church: Built on the Rock | Matthew 16:13-19 | 53:30 | Link |
2019-1-27 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | A Remedy For Apostasy: Excellent Ministers | 1 Timothy 4 | 43:54 | Link |
2019-1-27 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Christ’s Church | Matthew 16:13-26 | 57:39 | Link |
2019-1-20 PM | Rev. Ralph Pontier | Increase our Faith | Luke 17:1-19 | 30:27 | Link |
2019-1-20 AM | Rev. Tony Chin | Jerk Chicken and Tiki Torches | Matthew 5:13-16 | 35:39 | Link |
2019-1-13 PM | Rev. Ralph Pontier | Our Faithful Older Brother | Ezekiel 34:1-6; Luke 15 | 31:02 | Link |
2019-1-13 AM | Rev. Tony Chin | Wait Before You Walk | Isaiah 40:27-31 | 31:05 | Link |
2019-1-6 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Christ’s Church | Matthew 16:13-26 | 41:52 | Link |
2019-1-6 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | A Profile of Apostasy | 1 Timothy 4 | 1:04:39 | Link |
2018-12-30 PM | Rev. Dick Stevens | Time for God | Ecclesiastes 3:1-15 | 43:08 | Link |
2018-12-30 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | The Mystery of Religion | 1 Timothy 3 | 1:01:28 | Link |
2018-12-24 | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Born For You | Luke 2 | 36:11 | Link |
2018-12-23 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | The Mystery Revealed | Matthew 1-2; Luke 1-2 | 16:25 | Link |
2018-12-23 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Proper Conduct in God’s House | 1 Timothy 3 | 59:55 | Link |
2018-12-16 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Promise of a Virgin Birth | Matthew 1:18-25 | 49:16 | Link |
2018-12-16 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Special Servants of the Church | 1 Timothy 3 | 1:02:23 | Link |
2018-12-9 PM | Dr. Neal Hegeman | Redemption in Action | Ruth 4 | 38:40 | Link |
2018-12-9 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Special Servants of the Church | 1 Timothy 3 | 48:17 | Link |
2018-12-2 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Confidence Through Our High Priest | Hebrews 2-4 | 40:27 | Link |
2018-12-2 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Qualifications for Elders | 1 Timothy 3 | 52:10 | Link |
2018-11-25 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Drawing Near | Hebrews 10:1-25 | 39:51 | Link |
2018-11-25 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Qualifications for Elders | 1 Timothy 3 | 49:08 | Link |
2018-11-18 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Glad All Our Days | Psalm 90 | 1:01:10 | Link |
2018-11-11 PM | Rev. Tony Chin | A Fruitful Tree | Psalm 1:1-3 | 37:03 | Link |
2018-11-11 AM | Rev. Tony Chin | Christ Gives an Abundant Harvest | Luke 8:4-15 | 36:34 | Link |
2018-11-4 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Sanctification | 1 John | 33:05 | Link |
2018-11-4 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Qualifications of Church Leaders | 1 Timothy 3 | 58:55 | Link |
2018-10-28-PM | Rev. Dick Stevens | Giving to Christ | Matthew 25:31-46 | 40:36 | Link |
2018-10-28 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Qualifications of Church Leaders | 1 Timothy 3 | 59:29 | Link |
2018-10-21 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Faith | Romans 3:21-4:12; Belgic Confession 22-23 | 45:33 | Link |
2018-10-21 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | The High Call to Lead The Church | 1 Timothy 3 | 56:16 | Link |
2018-10-14 PM | Rev. Tony Chin | Forward, Ever Forward | Philippians 3:12-16 | 39:52 | Link |
2018-10-14 AM | Rev. Tony Chin | Divine Ownership | 1 Chronicles 29:10-17,20-22 | 39:56 | Link |
2018-10-7 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | We Preach Christ Crucified | 1 Corinthians 1-2; Belgic Confession 21 | 45:11 | Link |
2018-10-7 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Women Adorning Themselves | 1 Timothy 2 | 1:04:03 | Link |
2018-9-30 PM | Rev Stephen Wetmore | God and Man for Us | Hebrews 2; Belgic Confession 19-20 | 37:52 | Link |
2018-9-30 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Women Adorning Themselves | 1 Timothy 2 | 47:50 | Link |
2018-9-23 PM | Elder Wayne Morosco | A Spectacular Rescue | Psalm 103:1-5 | 33:01 | Link |
2018-9-23 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Lifting Up Holy Hands | 1 Timothy 2 | 1:06:23 | Link |
2018-9-16 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Promise Fulfilled | Acts 3; Belgic Confession 17-18 | 38:52 | Link |
2018-9-16 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Incentives to Pray for All Men | 1 Timothy 2 | 1:04:38 | Link |
2018-9-9 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Election | Romans 9 | 42:44 | Link |
2018-9-9 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | First Things | 1 Timothy 2 | 54:28 | Link |
2018-9-2 PM | Rev. Dick Stevens | The Irony of God | 2 Corinthians 5:12-21 | 38:29 | Link |
2018-9-2 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | A Charge to Wage War | 1 Timothy 1 | 59:11 | Link |
2018-8-26 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Original Sin | Romans 5 | 38:05 | Link |
2018-8-26 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | The Chief of Sinners, A Portrait of Mercy for All | 1 Timothy 1 | 55:08 | Link |
2018-8-19 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | The Fall of Man | Genesis 3; Belgic Confession 14 | 48:18 | Link |
2018-8-19 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | The Law Used Lawfully | 1 Timothy 1 | 59: 17 | Link |
2018-8-12 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Creation of Man, Perfect | Genesis 2; Belgic Confession 14 | 41:04 | Link |
2018-8-12 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | A Great Charge | 1 Timothy 1 | 50:22 | Link |
2018-8-5 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Providence | Romans 8; Belgic Confession 13 | 47:54 | Link |
2018-8-5 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | A Great Charge | 1 Timothy 1 | 54:06 | Link |
2018-7-29 PM | Elder Wayne Morosco | Fear Man, and Pick Your Poison | Proverbs 29:25 | 33:56 | Link |
2018-7-29 AM | Rev. Dick Stevens | By Your Words | Matthew 12:22-37 | 36:18 | Link |
2018-7-22 PM | Rev. Dick Stevens | Forgiveness | Psalm 103 | 39:15 | Link |
2018-7-22 AM | Elder Wayne Morosco | A Dose of Reality | Psalm 39 | 39:40 | Link |
2018-7-21 | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Frank Wetmore Memorial | Selected | 1:19:55 | Link |
2018-7-15 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Responses to Creation and the Creator | Acts 17:16-31; Belgic Confession 12 | 45:01 | Link |
2018-7-15 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Paul, Timothy, Ephesus | 1 Timothy 1 | 56:52 | Link |
2018-7-8 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | The Diety of the Holy Spirit | John 15:26-16:16; Belgic Confession 11 | 35:56 | Link |
2018-7-8 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Paul, Timothy, Ephesus | 1 Timothy 1 | 53:09 | Link |
2018-7-1 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | The Diety of Jesus | Hebrews 1:1-13; Belgic Confession 10 | 46:52 | Link |
2018-7-1 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Paul, Timothy, Ephesus | 1 Timothy 1:1-2 | 59:49 | Link |
2018-6-24 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Marriage, Should I, and Whom? | 1 Corinthians 7 | 1:06:49 | Link |
2018-6-17 PM | Rev. Dick Stevens | Recognizing Christ | Luke 24:13-35 | 36:29 | Link |
2018-6-17 AM | Rev. Tony Chin | Bless Mommy and Daddy | Ephesians 6:1-3 | 33:08 | Link |
2018-6-10 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | The Trinity | Belgic Confession 8-9 | 46:58 | Link |
2018-6-10 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Building for Families | Psalm 127 | 58:32 | Link |
2018-6-3 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Sufficiency of Scripture | 2 Timothy 3:4-5 | 45:56 | Link |
2018-6-3 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Marriage Like The Lord (Husbands) | Ephesians 5:22-33 | 53:13 | Link |
2018-5-27 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Authority | Hebrews 3-4 | 44:34 | Link |
2018-5-27 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Marriage Like the Lord (Husbands) | Ephesians 5:22-33 | 1:04:03 | Link |
2018-5-20 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Scriptures Author(s) & How | 2 Peter 1:10-21 | 45:33 | Link |
2018-5-20 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Marriage Like the Lord (Wives) | Ephesians 5:22-33 | 55:09 | Link |
2018-5-13 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Revelation of God | 1 Corinthians 2 | 42:07 | Link |
2018-5-13 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | A Picture of a Godly Mother | 1 Samuel 1-2 | 55:35 | Link |
2018-5-6 PM | Rev. Dick Stevens | God is My Strength | Exodus 14:26-15:2 | 42:36 | Link |
2018-5-6 AM | Rev. Tony Chin | The Book of the Lord | Isaiah 34:16-17 | 35:27 | Link |
2018-4-29 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Excellencies of God | Isaiah 40 | 50:52 | Link |
2018-4-29 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Creation Corruption Curse | Genesis 3 | 49:26 | Link |
2018-4-22 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | What is God? | 32:13 | Link | |
2018-4-22 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Creation Curse Command | Genesis 3 | 43:40 | Link |
2018-4-15 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Womanhood | Genesis 1:26-2 | 1:03:49 | Link |
2018-4-8 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Begic Confession | 1 Timothy 3:14-16 | 40:42 | Link |
2018-4-8 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Womanhood | John 4 | 52:42 | Link |
2018-4-1 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | The Power of His Resurreciton | Ephesians 1:16-2:10 | 52:25 | Link |
2018-3-30 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | He Died for the Ungodly | Romans 5:1-12 | 31:39 | Link |
2018-3-25 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | The Law and the Christian | Philippians 3 | 39:16 | Link |
2018-3-25 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Triumphant | Matthew 21:1-11 | 43:36 | Link |
2018-3-18 AM | Dr. Neal Hegeman | A Letter of Joy from Prison | Philippians 1:1-14; 4:4 | 38:21 | Link |
2018-3-11 PM | Mr. Daniel Ragusa | Wise Providence | Proverbs 20:24 | 29:48 | Link |
2018-3-11 AM | Mr. Daniel Ragusa | Hope of our Heavenly Harbor | Hebrews 6:13-20 | 33:20 | Link |
2018-3-4 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Contentment | Philippians 4 | 39:00 | Link |
2018-3-4 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Manhood | Genesis 2 | 57:54 | Link |
2018-2-25 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Covetousness | Mark 7:1-23 | 30:57 | Link |
2018-2-25 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Manhood | Genesis 2 | 1:01:47 | Link |
2018-2-18 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Truth and Lies | Psalm 119:33-56 | 42:19 | Link |
2018-2-18 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Manhood and Womanhood | Genesis 1-2 | 1:02:13 | Link |
2018-2-11 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Truth and Lies | Ephesians 4:17-5:12 | 32:56 | Link |
2018-2-11 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Manhood and Womanhood | Genesis 1:26-2:25 | 48:50 | Link |
2018-2-4 PM | Rev. Dick Stevens | Diversity | Matthew 12:22-42 | 26:54 | Link |
2018-2-4 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | The Church and the Family | Ephesians 5 | 55:18 | Link |
2018-1-28 PM | Rev. Tony Chin | Delightful Devotion | 1 Chronicles 29:13,20-22 | 30:26 | Link |
2018-1-28 AM | Rev. Tony Chin | Saints: Handcrafted for a Devine Puropse | Ephesians 2:8-10 | 42:33 | Link |
2018-1-21 AM | Rev. Dick Stevens | The Lords Presence | Exodus 33:12:23 | 48:18 | Link |
2018-1-14 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Respect of Property | Malachi 3-4 | 36:25 | Link |
2018-1-14 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | At Home in Christ | John 14 | 50:58 | Link |
2018-1-7 PM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Respect of Property | Ephesians 4 | 43:14 | Link |
2018-1-7 AM | Rev. Stephen Wetmore | Great Responsibility | Acts 6; 1 Timothy 3 | 37:46 | Link |
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